
What is Scribus?
Scribus is a desktop publishing program. Desktop publishing programs are different from word processors such as MS Word, Corel WordPerfect, and Open Office Write in that they are design to allow you to easily manipulate text boxes, images, and graphics. Desktop publishing programs are commonly used to create fliers, business cards, books, yearbooks, newspapers, posters, calenders, and more. Many of these can be accomplished with a word processor but a desktop publishing program gives you more control over the text and illustrations than a word processor.

Scribus is a free, open source program that works on Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, OS/2 Warp 4, eComStation, and Linux.

Commercial alternatives:

  • Adobe InDesign
  • QuarkXPress
  • Microsoft Publisher
  • Apple Pages

About this book
This book:

  • designed to give you a foundation on which to build.
  • can easily be integrated into the classroom.
  • meets multiple different learning styles.
  • has a companion online course at moodle.aschool.us: Scribus for Educators
  • is enhance by user feedback.

This book is not designed to be an exhaustive howto of Scribus features but rather an introduction that will allow you to have the skills that you need to effectively work through tutorials that you find on the Internet.