Convert temperature between Fahrenheit and Celsius

To convert from between Fahrenheit and Celsius you need to know the formula which are

F = (9/5)*C + 32
C = 5/9( F - 32)

I find the easiest way to remember these is to remember that 32°F is 0° C, so the +32 goes with the conversion from Celsius to Fahrenheit.

Once you know the formulas simply enter the values and solve.

Example 1
Convert 12° C to F.

In this case we will use the first formula.
Multiply 12 by 9/5 and then add 32
9/5*12 + 32
21 3/5 + 32 = 53 3/5 or 53.6° F.

Example 2
Convert 100° C to F.

In this case use the second formula.
Subtract 32 from 100 and then multiply by 5/9.
5/9(68) = 37 7/9 = 37.777....

Practice Problems:

  1. Convert 100°F to C.
  2. Convert 0°F to C.
  3. Convert 50°F to C.
  4. Convert 70°F to C.
  5. Convert 82°F to C.
  6. Convert 212°F to C.
  7. Convert -10°F to C.
  8. Convert 32°F to C.
  9. Convert 110°F to C.
  10. Convert 102°F to C.
  11. Convert 100°C to F.
  12. Convert 0°C to F.
  13. Convert 50°C to F.
  14. Convert 70°C to F.
  15. Convert 82°C to F.
  16. Convert 212°C to F.
  17. Convert -10°C to F.
  18. Convert 32°C to F.
  19. Convert 110°C to F.
  20. Convert 102°C to F.