Poem Portfolio

Poem Portfolio Requirements:

Write at least 5 poems and publish at least two of them to your portfolio.

  • All poems must be your own original work. If your poem was inspired by another poem then you must cite the source you were inspired by.
  • Post at least 2 drafts that have been peer edited
  • Post at least 3 different styles of poems.
  • Publish at least 2 final draft to your portfolio.
    • The portfolio should include a copy of your original draft, revised versions you printed/shared with others to review, and your final draft.
    • Each artifact (draft) in your portfolio will be clearly labeled as to which draft it is.
Grading Rubric:
  • 5 poems (20 points)
  • 3 different types of poems (30 points)
  • Creativity (10 points)
  • Final draft:
    • Grammar/Capitalization (20 points)
    • Peer editing ( 20 points)

Poem Types:

Here are some poem types and samples to get you started.
  • haiku

    A haiku has a three-line structure. Two lines of five syllables and one line of seven syllables form a 5-7-5 pattern.

    5 syllables: Colorful, fast, quick
    7 syllables: Nectar-sipping hummingbird
    5 syllables: Eating insects, too

  • tanka

    The tanka has a five-line structure. Two lines of five syllables and three lines of seven syllables form a 5-7-5-7-7 pattern.

    5 syllables Two baby hummers
    7 syllables In the crowded, tiny nest.
    5 syllables Flight training sessions,
    7 syllables With toes gripping the nest’s edge.
    7 syllables How soon will your first flight be?

  • double acrostic

    In a double acrostic poem, the first and last letter of each line spell the same word (often the title of the poem).

    Plenty of time to roll, jump, and hop
    Laughing till down we fall
    Always shouting, “Abracadabra
    Young boys screaming, jumping, and rolling in the hay
  • shape poems

    Shape poems are created in the literal shape of the subject matter.

    The Little Hill
    (read from bottom to top)

    top of that
    So I made it to the
    from reaching the top was ME!
    realized the only thing stopping me
    I was going to make it to the top. But then I
    The little hill was hard to climb and I did not think

  • Clerihew

    The clerihew is a form of rhymed poetry named after its creator, Edmund Clerihew Bentley. It is light verse based upon a person's name. It should tell something about the individual and is ofthen humerous. It consists of four lines (a quatrain) which uses the rhyming patter a a, b b. The first line consists of the person's name. To facilitate rhyming, think carefully about which name (first or last) should be at the end of the first line -- which would be capable of generating more rhyming words.


    Kisselbaum, Jane (a)
    Was extremely vain (a)
    Her life she'll pass (b)
    Before a looking glass! (b)

    J. Romatowski
    Source: Calliope by Greta Barclay Lipson & Jane A. Romatowski