- Books
- Computers
- Math
- 5th Grade Math
- 6th Grade Math
- Algebra
- Data Analysis and Probability
- Geometry
- Measurement
- Number and Operations
- Add, subtract, multiply and divide integers
- Compare and order improper fractions, mixed numbers and decimal fractions to thousandths
- Convert fractions to decimals to percents and vice versa
- Convert fractions to terminating, repeating or rounded decimals
- Develop meaning for integers and use integers to represent and compare quantities
- Extend understanding of whole number operations to fractions, decimals, percents and mixed numbers
- Find the percent of a number
- Find the percent one number is of another and find the original number when the percent is given
- Round decimals to the nearest thousandths
- Solve proportions with an unknown
- Understand and apply divisibility rules
- Understand and use mathematical vocabulary appropriately
- Understand the associative property of addition and multiplication
- Understand the concepts of ratio, percent and percentage
- Understand the meaning and use of exponents
- Use factor trees to give the prime factorization of a number
- Use percents to determine sales tax, commission, discount and simple interest
- Write a remainder as a fraction or decimal
- 7th Grade Math
- 8th Grade Math